FocuSED Connections is a pen-pal-like program that pairs chapters in the SED to facilitate communication across the district. Bro-2-Bro is an extension of FocuSED Connections which paired individual brothers across the district for an extended period of time. During the 2022-2023 year, we will be combining the original FocuSED Connections program with the Bro-2-Bro program to create a new hybrid program called FocuSED Connections - RepurpoSED.
This new program takes the connectivity aspect of brothers and chapters across the district and makes it more accessible through a rolling admissions process. Brothers and chapters can decide when they want to join and how long they wish to connect with others. This RepurpoSED Connections program encourages chapters to get to know each other through whatever means best suit them. The “motto” of the program remains: Ask Questions, Share Ideas, Meet Brothers.
Pairings will occur throughout the year based on the info form you fill out. Please answer all of these questions honestly and to the best of your ability--this is a resource for you to grow and share your ideas with chapters and brothers across the SED!
Guidelines for this new program can be found here!
If any of your info changes, such as the number of brothers/MCs in your chapter, there is a separate Information Update Form for you to complete. It is recommended that you do this at the start of next semester.